Selasa, 27 Agustus 2013

South Australia

South Australia immigration is one of our top offerings. If you wish to migrate to this land of opportunity, note that most territories have their own visa requirements based on their labour needs. This includes South Australia which has its own SA state sponsorship scheme. To find out more see our information below or contact us through our free immigration Australia assessment.

South Australia State Sponsorship

State sponsorship in South Australia is a visa initiative whereby those qualified for a particular occupations can reside in South Australia while looking for work under local government sponsorship. To obtain this visa for Australia the applicant must have an occupation on the South Australia skilled migration list. In addition, applicants must have the relevant qualifications and experience, depending on their occupation and have a good standard of English. Your English proficiency is evaluated with an IELTS exam and the immigration office of Adelaide asks that it is undertaken by everyone, even those with passports from English speaking nations.
Each occupation only has a certain amount of places for a given year so contact us directly if you would like to put your name forward for the scheme.  People who like this page also found our page on Western Australia Immigration useful. 

South Australia Migration

The department of immigration in Adelaide stipulates that those under permanent state sponsorship can apply for permanent residence at any time whereas those under temporary sponsorship must work for two years full time in their occupation before they can switch from an Australia work visa to permanent sponsorship and residency.

Employer Sponsored Migration

South Australia and Adelaide immigration is also possible if you have a paid offer of employment in the area and your employer can prove to the local authorities that they cannot source someone with your skills locally. Find out further information on our Western Australia page.

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