Jumat, 30 Agustus 2013

Norway Work Permit

‘Skilled Worker’ Norway Work Permit

Qualifying for a Norway work permit as a skilled worker requires that you have either: vocational training in a skilled occupation; university or college education; or another area of special expertise. You must also have a confirmed offer of employment from a Norwegian business. Your job will need to meet certain pay and skill requirements, so click on the free assessment to find out if you qualify to work in Norway.

‘Skilled Jobseeker’ Norway Work Permit

A work permit for Norway can also be obtained without an offer of employment. The ‘skilled jobseeker’ Norway work permit allows you to live in Norway for six months in order to look for work. Once an applicant has found work in Norway they will be required to apply for a standard ‘skilled worker’ Norway work visa. The eligibility criteria for this category of visa is the same as the ‘skilled worker’ permit (excluding the confirmed offer of employment). Take the free assessment to find out if you qualify for working in Norway.

Self-employed work permit Norway

You can apply for a visa to live and work in Norway if you intend on starting your own business in the country. Eligibility depends on your funds and business expertise. Like the ‘skilled worker’ Norway work permit, you will be required to meet certain skill and education requirements. Click on the free assessment to find out if you can apply to be a self-employed businessman working in Norway.

Other types of work in Norway

There are many different ways to qualify for work in Norway. Aside from the above categories of Norway work visa, your options include:
  • The ‘Specialist’ visa for high-earners;
  • Qualifying for part-time work with a Norway student visa;
  • Visas for employees of international companies with offices in Norway;
  • A visa for self-funded researchers;
  • Seasonal worker visa (for unskilled workers); and
  • A range of cultural and exchange programs.
The above are just some of the many different pathways to working in Norway. With so many options to choose from, it is important that you consult the experts at Global Visas to find the ideal Norway work visa for your needs. Start applying to live and work in Norway today by taking the free assessment. Find out further information on our Norway Student Visa page.

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