Rabu, 28 Agustus 2013

Netherlands Immigration

The following is a summary of the various pathways to permanent Netherlands immigration. To find out about your temporary options, visit our Holland Visa section. Or you can find out about all your Dutch visa options by taking the free assessment.

Residence Permit for Holland Immigration

If you are considering Netherlands immigration, the first step should be to acquire a long term residence permit. This is required if you are to complete immigration to Holland, providing you are not a national of a country in the EU, EEA or the dozen or so countries who have signed treaties to expedite Dutch immigration. The Netherlands residence visa (MVV) allows for temporary residence after Netherlands immigration, and isn’t cheap.
After you have got this residence permit or have the right to stay in the Netherlands after arriving there, you must consider how you will spend your time. If you are planning to study in the Netherlands then you must have been accepted into one of the country’s universities prior to Netherlands immigration. If you plan on working in the Netherlands then an employer must have begun your Dutch immigration process as it is an employer-led procedure.
The Holland immigration process for either study or work takes between one and two months, on average about five weeks. Providing you reach the right age minimum and professional job training, and your employer or university are not precluding a resident or citizen from a degree or job by supporting your immigration to the Netherlands, there should be no problem with your Holland immigration.
Your family members are allowed move to the Netherlands up to 6 months after the Dutch Embassy or Consulate has issued a provisional residence permit for your Netherlands immigration. It may be earlier but depends on the government’s opinion of your suitability to provide. If your partner or family is dependent on you, you must be able to meet the standard amount for married and cohabiting couples.
Netherlands immigration doesn’t have to be difficult if you have a guide with you during the process. Global Visas has almost twenty years’ experience helping people with Dutch immigration and visas for countries around the world. Have the world’s biggest immigration consultancy to help you complete your Dutch immigration today – take the free assessment now.
Global Visas has the expertise to secure visas for any corner of the globe. In Europe, UK visas remain consistently popular. In North America, USA and Canadian immigration are in high demand. Further south, the Australia and South Africa visa attract high interest. Take the free assessment to find the right visa for you. Find out further information on our Work Permit Netherlands page.

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