Rabu, 28 Agustus 2013

Hong Kong Immigration

Below you will find a brief summary of the different types of Hong Kong immigration that allow you to obtain permanent residence in the city. Visit the Hong Kong Visa page to find out about temporary options.

Pathways to Hong Kong Immigration

Chinese citizens born in Hong Kong or their children can apply to be a permanent resident, provided they have only just arrived in the country. However, all nationalities granted visas may apply to the immigration department of Hong Kong for permanent residence after living in the city for seven years. Permanent immigration to Hong Kong is also possible if your parent is classified by the immigration department of Hong Kong as a permanent resident and you are under the age of 21. Find out if you meet these requirements by taking the free assessment.

Other Ways to Obtain Permanent Residency in Hong Kong

Permanent immigration to Hong Kong is also possible if you are a Chinese citizen who has previously resided for seven years in the city or are a Chinese citizen who was born in Hong Kong before its unification. Contact Global Visas to find out if you can qualify.

Immigration, Hong Kong and Global Visas

Obtaining permanent residency in Hong Kong can often be a lengthy and difficult undertaking. As such many people prefer to entrust their application forms to world-class immigration specialists such as Global Visas. A successful immigration application can be vital to your future career, study and wealth prospects. Don’t leave it to chance, have our experts manage your case for the best possible chance of success. To begin this process start your free assessment now. Find out further information on our Hong Kong Work Visa page.

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