Rabu, 28 Agustus 2013

Silver Fern Visa

Silver Fern Visa New Zealand

To be eligible for Silver Fern Immigration, an applicant must meet the requirements to be classed as a skilled migrant. To do this, they must be between 25 and 55 years old, be in good health, and be considered to be of good character. In addition, they must have good English before they put in your application.
If you fit the criteria, you can make an “Expression of Interest (EOI),” which is your initial application listing your skills, experience and other benefits you feel you would bring to the country. EOIs are assessed under a points system. Those with EOIs above 140 points are automatically accepted for an invitation to apply for the Silver Fern program. Those with EOIs of 100 or above are assessed individually for their desirability.
If you reach the next stage, you are invited to apply for your visa. Here you must prove all of your claims on your EOI form with medical and police certificates, proof of your English skills and documentation showing your qualifications and experience. The final stage of the process is an interview where you must prove that you have a strong desire to settle in the country permanently.

Silver Fern Job Search

Silver Fern Job Search is an initiative whereby those granted a Silver Fern visa can enter the country for up to nine months while they are searching for employment. To be eligible for this New Zealand Work Visa, applicants must be between 25 and 35 and show proof that they have enough funds to support themselves during the stay. The Job Search initiative is limited to just 300 places a year. For more information, or to apply, contact us by taking our free visa assessment.
Find out further information on our Working Holiday Visa page.

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