Rabu, 28 Agustus 2013

Work Permit Netherlands

The free assessment has been designed by our experts to help you find the ideal Netherlands visa for your needs quickly and efficiently. Simply click on the above link to immediately start your application to work in Holland with a Dutch visa.

Work Permit Netherlands

Getting a Netherlands work visa isn’t easy if you’re not from the EU. This is because you have to rely on the employer applying for a Dutch work permit through Dutch immigration authorities on your behalf. Before they can apply for a work visa to the Netherlands, they have to attempt to advertise the position locally to see if it can be filled by current Dutch citizens or residents.
Apart from advertising in newspapers, websites and with the local employment service (Arbeitsamt), the employer will also have to look at training an existing employee before a Netherlands work visa application can be submitted. However, if the job that somebody wants to work in the Netherlands for is part of a shortage sector then the employer will usually have no trouble getting a work permit for Netherlands.
During the application process for a Dutch work permit, a non-EEA applicant can visit the Netherlands even for meetings or interviews, but not to work. The application process to work in Holland is usually less than six weeks long from submission through to decision.
There are some requirements that you need to meet to work in the Netherlands on this work visa. Apart from nationality and advertising guidelines, the work visa for the Netherlands also requires applicants to be aged between 18 and 45, and have been employed by the company for more than six months (if it is an intra-company transfer). The salary must also meet the national minimum wage, and a Netherlands residence visa must be acquired for those from outside the EEA if the expected period of work is for longer than six months.
That’s all you need for a work visa to Netherlands. The good news is that, after living in the Netherlands for three years on a Netherlands work visa, some foreign nationals can apply for a permanent residence. Thereafter they would be free to take up any legal employment and would no longer need an employer-sponsored work permit for Netherlands.
So speak to Global Visas about working out a Netherlands work visa. Our expertise goes back two decades, and with teams located all around the world, no-one is more influential or professional than us. Take our free assessment and start your journey today.
At Global Visas we have experts able to handle any visa application. Our most popular services include the Australia visa and UK visa, while the Canada visa and New Zealand visa are surging in popularity. Take the free assessment to find out about any of these popular choices. Find out further information on our Netherlands Student Visa page.

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