Rabu, 28 Agustus 2013

China Business Visa

China Business Visa

Chinese Visas for businessmen and women looking to pursue financially-motivated activities in the country are referred to as the China "F visa". A business visa in China covers a whole host of these activities, from a basic business visit to a legal investigation, from a lecture to a cultural exchange, from advanced studies and internships to scientific research.
The China business visa lasts for up to six months and no longer. If you want to stay longer, you must look at another form of immigration as the Chinese business visa is only for short-term tasks.
You’ll need a valid passport with at least six months left on it, as well as photographs and documents proving your intention to pursue business. All these are necessary to get a China business visa. The more documents you have supporting your case, the more likely you’ll be approved for a business visa for China.
If you are travelling from the USA, you may have to pay a larger fee, but your options for multiple-entry versions of the China F visa are higher. First time applicants who have links to Chinese nationality are required to put their original name and passport details on the application for a China business visa.
Getting a China business visa doesn’t have to be stressful or time-consuming, but for financial reasons it might make sense to get one yourself. However, keep in mind that any mistakes on the China business visa application form could prejudice government officials to delay or reject you, and perhaps even block you for issues as minor as health problems or criminal convictions. So speak to Global Visas today about getting a China business visa as our teams of immigration advisors are the world’s best. Find out further information on our Study in China page.

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