Kamis, 29 Agustus 2013

Move to South Africa

The country has been classified by the United Nations as a middle-income country with well-developed financial, legal, communications and energy systems.
South Africa appeals to entrepreneurs, investors, businesses and people on retirement visas.

Visa help

Global Visas is a world leading authority on South African visas, providing immigration services to individuals and corporate clients worldwide.
Our Cape Town office has helped over 15,000 people move to South Africa over the last twelve years.
When a prospective immigrant wants to move to South Africa for permanent residence it is worthwhile to note a visa for South Africa is normally issued within thirty days.
South African immigration can turn around visa applications very quickly because the processes have been simplified so that each application is reviewed on an individual basis, taking into consideration the local labour market and meeting requirements.

South Africa visa applications can be made in one of the following categories:

Business visa

South Africa immigration with a business visa is suitable for people looking to run and own a business in South Africa.

Work Visa

Work visas are available for those with skills and experience which are currently in shortage. Typical industries for those looking to work in South Africa include IT, engineering, finance and auditing.

Spouse and Life Partner visa

South African visas are available for those in a permanent relationship with a South African citizen or permanent resident.

Retirement Visa

South Africa is a very popular country for retirees mainly because they are looked on very favourably. The South African constitution is accepted as one of the most liberal in the world and does not discriminate against religious or sexual beliefs or age. The criteria can be met by those who can afford to support themselves and applications can be made for temporary or permanent residency.

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