Rabu, 28 Agustus 2013

New Zealand Immigration

Finding the right visa is vital to ensuring your long term immigration to New Zealand. Our experts will work with you to plan and prepare your case to ensure we secure the best possible route through New Zealand Immigrations Laws. There is a wide range of immigration options that can make finding and applying for the most appropriate visa an interesting challenge for our Immigration Experts but, with over one million successful cases and counting, you can be certain that we shall find the best visa for you. Our professionals at Global Visas are highly qualified and shall work with you every step of the way before you go and after you arrive in the New Zealand. From selecting and applying for your visa to managing your entire immigration process, we will provide all the support that you need. You, your family and your dream life are in safe hands. 

Work in New Zealand

Our vast experience has taught us that employers in New Zealand receive thousands of applications for jobs from overseas applicants every year.  Many employers will reject the resume on the simple fact it is from overseas and the person would need a visa and that is a hassle to arrange. Our International Employment experts understand what employers in New Zealand want to see and they work with our clients to prepare their resume, references and qualifications for review at an international standard. Our team of experts provide an international qualifications assessment and conversion so employers are assured that you have the qualifications required to do the job. We also prepare your references to suit the local market and much more. Once we are satisfied you are ready for employment we issue our certificate of assurance for your future employer stating that, if they employ you, we shall secure the necessary visa. When you are emigrating you need to be certain you are supported in every way and not just securing a visa.

Job Hunting in New Zealand

Our team of employment experts do more than just prepare our clients for employment in New Zealand, we help you secure the best jobs in the New Zealand. We have thousands of links to employers we know and we also have strong relationship to recruitment companies who we have selected to work with our clients to pro-actively find the best employers in New Zealand for our clients. Even before you enter New Zealand, we will be working hard to secure you the best jobs in the New Zealand. We believe it is vital when you are emigrating to New Zealand you have the best support and not just a visa. 

Study in New Zealand

Since 1996 we have helped many people live and work in New Zealand who did not qualify for a working visa or family routes. For many people the fastest and best way to live and work in New Zealand is to secure a course in a college or university there. This allows you not only to work part time but also allows one spouse to work full time without restrictions. Many international students go on to finding employment, securing a work permit, and settling in the New Zealand. Our teams of International Study Experts will assist you find three of the best course to match your budget, previous qualifications and immigration needs. Once we help you select the best course for you we complete all the enrollment processes on your behalf to ensure you secure a place on the course of your choice and then secure your student visa. Our experience has taught us that everyone is different and it is important we can provide immigration solutions for everyone.  
Once we have decided the best route for you and your family we provide support in all other aspects of your relocation.

International Removals

We know just how important it is to have the best services available to ensure a hassle-free relocation. This is why we have hand-selected a panel of international removal companies to assist our clients. Global Visas manages over 20,000 relocations like yours every year. This makes us the biggest contract for any international removal company, so our suppliers are always ready and willing to offer our clients excellent rates and the best service. We work with these companies to safely ship your most treasured possessions around the globe to New Zealand.

Currency Exchange

From selling your home and exchanging money to sending money home on a regular basis, we’re ready to help you. To ensure that you do not lose money simply by changing currencies, it is important you secure the very best exchange rates. We have sourced the best FX companies worldwide and are confident the rates they offer our clients are some of the best available at any time. This means you can save thousands in fees and exchange rates, and you can keep more of your money to spend in New Zealand. We make sure that you save money throughout your immigration so that you arrive at your new home to enjoy a better quality of life.

More than a New Zealand Visa

We have thought of everything to put our clients in the safest hands and provide the softest landing in their new home. As the world’s leader in New Zealand visas, employment, and relocation services, Global Visas is prepared to assist with every aspect of your move to New Zealand. Take the next step today and contact Global Visas by clicking on the link below for your free assessment.

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