Rabu, 28 Agustus 2013

Departure Guide for people immigrating to Australia

Eight weeks before move day, have you...

  • Spoken with your Global Visas relocation coordinator about all the documentation required for Australia visas to be approved? 
  • Enquired about move management services?
  • Organized the vaccinations for pets, the shipment of any cars or other vehicles or any other issues related to customs and excise?
  • Discussed the transfer of your bank accounts and funds to your new home country?
  • Investigated options for opening an Australian bank account to accommodate the transfer of your funds from the UK?
  • Spoken with a currency expert and a financial services provider?

Four weeks before move day, have you...

  • Disposed of any goods that you no longer need? It may be an option to hold a car boot sale to raise an extra few pounds for your move overseas?
  • Checked that all passports are valid and that they have all the necessary stamps, including your Australian visa? 
  • Notified schools of your move? Also make sure that you have all relevant school certificates and transcripts, as these are likely to be needed when enrolling children into their new school?
  • Obtained medical certificates and records for the whole family? Arrange with your local GP to collect all family medical records. These will be necessary when registering with a local doctor in your new country?
  • Located all marriage and birth certificates?
  • Arranged for mail to be redirected? Global Visas suggest that mail is directed to a close friend or family member who can either forward it on a regular basis (far less expensive) or in some cases advise as to content.
  • Supplied Global Visas with contact details? This should ideally be an email address, or if you have one, a telephone number. Also, if you already have an address overseas, please also give this to Global Visas.

Personal Documents

N.B. All personal documentation and valuable items should be carried as hand luggage and not as part of a shipment.

One week before move day, have you...

  • Arranged for mains services to be disconnected and meter readings? This is often overlooked and is the last thing you want to be worrying about when you are on the other side of the world.
  • Placed a stop on the delivery of any newspapers or milk etc?
  • Made sure that any possessions that have been loaned to friends have been returned? You should also make sure that there is nothing left at the dry cleaner's.

One day before move day, have you...

  • Given away any perishable foodstuff or plants? Global Visas strongly recommend that these are not shipped and in many circumstances it will not be permitted by the carrier. You should discuss any questions with your removal company.
  • De-frosted the fridge/freezer?
  • Disconnected the washing machine, dryer and dishwasher?
  • When the removal company have completed the packing, make sure that you walk through your home to ensure that all possessions have been packed and loaded.
  • If you are fortunate enough to have timed the move to perfection, remember to give the house keys either to the estate agents or family/friends.


  • Passports
  • Travel documentation
  • A reasonable amount of foreign currency
  • Valuables

Notification checklist

Use Global Visas checklist to ensure you have contacted all the people or organisations you may need to notify of your move.
  • Doctor
  • Dentist
  • House Insurance Company
  • Car Insurance Company
  • Life Insurance Company
  • Health Insurance Plan Company
  • Insurance Broker
  • Electricity Board
  • Water Board/Gas Board
  • Telephone Company, Internet Provider
  • Bank
  • Post Office Savings Bank
  • Building Society
  • Investment Company
  • Inland Revenue
  • Department of Health and Social Security
  • Schools/Colleges
  • Post Office (for mail)
  • Local Authority (Council Tax)
  • Library
  • Car Registration Authority
  • Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency
  • Milkman
  • Newsagents and other subscriptions
  • Satellite TV Provider
Find out further information on our Australia Education page.

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