Minggu, 25 Agustus 2013

Skilled Worker Canada

One of our areas of expertise is skilled worker Canada immigration. To find out whether you could achieve residence as a skilled worker in Canada, we recommend taking the Global Visas free step-by-step Canadian immigration assessment. To begin, simply click on the link below to give us your details. An adviser will call you back within 24 hours to discuss your ideal skilled worker visa for Canada.
There are Canada visas and permanent residence available to skilled workers based on their ability to become economically established in Canada. The main criteria for being accepted as a federal skilled worker in Canada are discussed below. Applicants can find out more about this and the special provisions for moving to Quebec by contacting Global Visas through our free assessment.

Language proficiency for skilled workers in Canada

The official languages of Canada are English and French. Before submitting your application to be a skilled worker, you must take a language proficiency test and submit those results with the rest of your documents. Should you meet the minimum requirements, your language skills will be graded in the skilled worker points grid.

Arranged employment for skilled workers in Canada

An applicant who already has an offer of permanent employment from a Canadian employer is more likely to be approved as a federal skilled worker in Canada. In some cases applicants will already be working in Canada, in which case they will need a valid temporary work permit Canada and a permanent job offer from their current employer. Where the applicant is not currently working in Canada, they will need to show that a prospective employer has made an offer to hire on an indeterminate basis.  Some people who found this page helpful also viewed Canada Post Graduate Work Permit information for further advice. 

Work experience for Canada skilled workers

Applicants who don’t already have an offer of arranged employment can still be considered if they have one year of continuous full-time paid work in one of the eligible occupations, which include:
  • Restaurant and food service managers
  • Biologists and related scientists
  • Architects
  • Plumbers and industrial electricians
  • Specialist and family physicians
Canada has a grading system for managerial, professional and technical occupations. To find out about how occupations and trades are graded in Canada contact Global Visas.

Points system

Applicants who meet the minimum requirements will have their skilled worker Canada application assessed on a points basis. The selection factors are:
  • Education
  • Proficiency in English and French
  • Work experience
  • Age
  • Whether you have arranged employment in Canada
  • Your adaptability
An applicant’s financial resources will also be considered.

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