Selasa, 27 Agustus 2013

Distinguished Talent Visas for Australia

Emigrating to Australia under the distinguished talent visa category is based predominantly on an exceptional ability of the applicant whether it be in the arts, sport, or research and academia. Find out more about the complex eligibility requirements for this category of working visa Australia using the free assessment above.


The distinguished talent visa subclass is one of several permanent Australia visas. People emigrating to Australia on this type of visa will be granted permanent residency status. Australian citizenship may be applied for after a two-year period provided relevant criteria have been met.  The Skilled Sponsored visa is very popular in recent years.

Eligibility Criteria


There is no age restriction for immigration to Australia under the distinguished talent visa category, however if you are aged under 18 years old or over 55 then you must also:
- Provide evidence that you are financially independent;
- Show that you are likely to be of exceptional benefit to the Australian community

Skills & Qualifications

The main applicant must:
  • Be able to demonstrate an internationally recognised record of exceptional and outstanding achievement in the arts, sport, or research and academia;
  • Still be prominent in their profession;
  • Be seen to an asset to the Australian community, i.e. be able to show how settlement in Australia could contribute economically, socially or culturally to the nation as a whole - not just a local community;
  • Prove that they will have no difficulty in obtaining employment or in becoming established independently in Australia in a profession, the arts, sport, or research and academia.


The applicant must be nominated by:
  • An Australian citizen, or
  • An Australian permanent resident, or
  • An eligible New Zealand citizen, or
  • An Australian organization.
(Note: The person or organisation making the nomination must have a national reputation in the applicant's field of expertise).

Health & Character

Australia has strict health and character requirements that must be met before a permanent visa of more than 12 months will be granted.
People seeking migration to Australia in this category will be required to:
  • Undergo a medical examination and chest x-ray undertaken by one of a panel of doctors selected by the Australian authorities, and;
  • Obtain police certificates for all countries in which they have lived for more than 12 months in the 10 years leading up to the application.

Processing Times

The current processing time for migration to Australia under this category is about six months from the start of the process. A Global Visas consultant will be able to advise you of the latest processing times. Find out further information on our Skilled Sponsored Visa - State/Territory Sponsorship page.

4 komentar:

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