Minggu, 25 Agustus 2013

British Columbia Nomination

Many provinces have such systems in place for Canadian visa processing, each with their own entry requirements and processes.
However, common to all Canadian Provincial Nomination Programmes is the stipulation that, once in possession of permanent residence status to live and work in Canada through this route, candidates are restricted, until they become eligible to apply to become a Canadian citizen, to work in the province for which they were nominated.


Canadian Provincial Nominee Programmes are one route to immigrate to Canada which also provides permanent resident status and allows successful candidates to live and work in Canada on a permanent basis.
Beyond permanent residency and subject to the satisfaction of the three-year requirement, it may be possible for candidates to apply for Canadian citizenship.
Provincial Nominee programmes in many cases can provide a quicker immigration route than other types of Canadian business visa and in addition, they do not require a points based skills appraisal in order to qualify.
Whilst applicants' skills, experience and adaptability are still considered under the British Columbia Provincial Nominee Programme, there is no requirement to satisfy a points based assessment.

How the System Works

The British Columbia Provincial Nomination Programme allows the province to nominate a limited number of candidates to migrate to British Columbia.
Candidates may qualify in one of two streams, the Strategic Occupation Stream or the Business Categories Stream.

The Strategic Occupation Stream

Much like a Canadian work permit, this stream is employer led and applicants must be in possession of a guaranteed job offer from an employer in British Columbia.
The offer must be for a position which cannot be filled from the domestic workforce, and candidates must fall into one of the following professional categories.

Skilled workers

Whilst candidates from many industries may qualify, the category is specifically intended for aerospace workers and those in information and high technology industries.

Health care professionals

  • Specifically doctors, nurse and midwives.
  • International graduates from a recognised British Columbia, post secondary establishment.

The Business Categories Stream

This stream can be broken down into a further three subcategories, each with specific requirements as set out below.

Business Skills Category

  • Candidates must have a minimum net value of CDN$2 million
  • Candidates must make an investment of CDN$800,000
  • Candidates must control a minimum share of 1/3 in a proposed business venture
  • Candidates must have business experience and an active management role
  • A business plan demonstrating that a venture will create at least five new jobs in British Columbia must be submitted.

Regional Development Category

  • Candidates must have a business project outside the Greater Vancouver area.
  • Candidates must have a minimum net value of CDN$600,000
  • Candidates must make a minimum investment of CDN$300,000 (excluding real estate)
  • Candidates must have at least 50% equity and an active management role
  • A business plan demonstrating how a venture will create at least two new jobs in British Columbia must be submitted.

Projects Category

Candidates must be either skilled managers or technical professionals who are essential to:
  • A project proposed by a company with a demonstrable record in the relevant area.
  • A new investment or expansion worth at least CDN$1 million which will create at least five new jobs in British Columbia.
Where applications for the British Columbia Nomination Programme are successful, candidates may apply Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) to obtain a Canadian permanent resident's visa.


Migration to British Columbia through the provincial route is intended as a route to permanent settlement in Canada, and accordingly, the scheme makes provision for spouse, fiancé and dependent immigration.
Successful applicants migrating to Canada under this scheme may bring their spouse, common-law partner or any dependent children to join them. Find out further information on our Manitoba Nomination page.

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